Military Time Conversion & How To Read

Military Time Conversion & How To Read

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    Many foreign countries use the 24-hour clock standard and have done so for hundreds of years. UTC, the central and most widely used time zone, is assigned the letter Z and is pronounced Zulu time. It is just a different format in which you can express time. While converting a time from one format to another, there is no need to convert minutes. This system is used to convey accurate time across time all zones, countries, and languages. Military time turns all time calculations into a four-digit number and removes the need for the AM or PM suffix. It is used most famously by the military in the United States, but it has also been adopted by many other agencies and services. Examples include emergency response teams, hospitals, aviation, navigation, and anywhere else where time confusion can have a serious or negative impact. Reaching Iran in 1544, Humāyūn was granted military aid by Shah Ṭahmāsp and went on to conquer Kandahār (1545) and to seize Kabul three times from his own disloyal brother, Kāmrān, the final time being in 1550. Taking advantage of civil wars among the descendants of Shēr Shah, Humāyūn captured Lahore in February 1555, and, after defeating Sikandar Sūr, the rebel Afghan governor of the Punjab, at Sirhind, he recovered Delhi and Agra that July. Humāyūn was fatally injured by falling down the staircase of his library. His tomb in Delhi, built several years after his death, is the first of the great Mughal architectural masterpieces; it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993. The dynasty was founded by a Chagatai Turkic prince named Bābur (reigned 1526–30), who was descended from the Turkic conqueror Timur (Tamerlane) on his father’s side and from Chagatai, second son of the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan, on his mother’s side. Bābur’s father, ʿUmar Shaykh Mīrzā, ruled the small principality of Fergana to the north of the Hindu Kush mountain range; Bābur inherited the principality at a young age, in 1494. The Mughal Empire reached across much of the Indian subcontinent. By the death of Akbar, the third Mughal ruler, the Mughal Empire extended from Afghanistan to the Bay of Bengal and southward to what is now Gujarat state and the northern Deccan region of India. Am stands for the Latin ante meridiem, translating to “before midday”. This is the time before the sun has crossed the meridian. Pm stands for post meridiem or “after midday” – after the sun has crossed the meridian.

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