What Time is 21:00?

What Time is 21:00?

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    As a general rule, military time is a system of telling when it is. It’s also used to report the times of briefings, meetings, and calls. Unlike standard time, the military time has the hours using numbers from 0-23 instead of 1-12. There are also distinct letters for the minutes of the hour. Suppose the military time is 1300 hours, or after, subtract 12 from the specified hour to get the time in a 12-hour clock. Then add the colon between the hour and the minutes and put pm at the end. The 24-hour clock is primarily used in the non-english speaking countries in Europe, Lation America, Asia and Africa. Most English speaking countries expect The United States usually switches back and forth between 12-hour and 24-hour time because neither have been established as the standard. Although the 24 hour clock is well established, the world and communication is constantly changing and who knows what the changing global community will need next. If you liked this article therefore you would like to collect more info concerning homepage nicely visit the internet site. For converting military time to standard time, input the military time, excluding a colon.

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