HIP THRUST The Best Execution Of Gluteum

HIP THRUST The Best Execution Of Gluteum

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    If there is a muscle group to which we should pay special attention, that is the GLUS. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for performance and especially for health. If we had to choose between the different exercises of gluteum, which would we stay with and why?

    Today we see in detail the best exercise to work the greatest gluteum: the hip thrust. How to do it, why it is considered the best, progression of exercises and other complementary ones.

    In different articles, I have told you about the vital importance of GLUE training as well as different training routines to learn how to activate, gain strength as well as gain size.

    Apart from the aesthetic reasons for which different gluteal routines are performed, combined with leg work or in isolation, there are different benefits. Which justifies why we should all properly train glutes.

    I am not going to extend on it too much because you can read it in other articles of my website in the SECTION TRYING :GLEARS and TREN INFERIOR. The GLÚTEO, as a muscle group, is presented as the greatest of all. Here we have a good reason to train him.

    The gluteum is part of the middle area of the body and is included as an integral part of the CORE, one of its main functions is to stabilize the hip. Therefore, he is a fundamental actor in most of the sports gestures and also responsible for the health of our back and stability of the musculoskeletal structures of our lower members. It thus connects superior and lower members.

    Since by their nature, the glutes can bear high loads and movements, it is not only necessary that they remain active, but that we must continually stimulate them so that they do not lose their power. In which case, other skeletal musculoskeletal structures should compensate in one way or another the work of gluteum; thus doing actions or supporting burdens for which they are not designed.

    Some of the most common injuries or pains such as back pain, pathefemoral syndrome (during knees), cyatic nerve, ischiotypal breakage, among others, have among their causes a lack of strength and muscle tone of glutes.

    While in other articles I have focused on the work of the medium gluteum, today we will see in detail how the MAYOR GLUE works and what exercises are more favorable for the development of the force of the same.

    Being the greatest of the human body, it is involved in actions:

    – Extension of the hip

    – External hip rotation

    – Hip removal (opening).

    It has its origin in the glorious surface of the ilion, lumbar fascia, sacro and in the sacred ligament. It is inserted into the glutea tuberosity and in the iliotibial tract. And it is inered in the middle gluteum (which prevents the aduction of the hip).

    Through electromyographic studies it has been shown that:

    ♪ While in the extension of the hip, hyperextension and external rotation all the upper and lower fibers of the maximum gluteum are involved; only the superiors are involved in the actions of abduction and unipodal support. (Contreras, 2010)

    The larger gluteum then has greater activation for example in the deep seat, dead weight, running, jumping, climbing, launches… the faster we run, for example, the more the gluteum is activated. (You just have to see sprinters, speed skaters.) In the case of speed, according to what Brett Contreras points out in his article ” The top five glute exercises”, the force of the hip becomes more important than that of the knee or ankle, being the hip extenders the main actors in the action of propelling themselves forward.

    On the other hand, we must take into account when selecting the different exercises, working on different planes as well as in the different ranges of movement in order to achieve a complete work of strength and power. Not only for gluteal training, but for all muscle groups.

    Here is more info regarding JBHNews visit the webpage. GLUTE ENTIREMENT EJERITIES

    ( hip abduction with mini-bands of resistance as activation exercise of the medium luteum)

    There are countless exercises that we can select for good gluteal training, depending on the specific target we are looking for. One of the things that we must be clear, so mentioned above, is that we need to work with loads when we look for strong, powerful glutes or increase their size, after previous activation and warming.

    In this video, I leave you 5 executors of GLUS ACTIVATION WITH ELATIC GOMAS

    Low loads or exercises with the body’s own weight will help us improve the technical gesture of the exercises and to activate and awaken them; and also as a preventive and complementary work of the sport we practice, especially the race.

    If we look at the selection of exercises of most of the training routines of gluteos and/or Gluteos- legs, the resistance or load is usually vertical or diagonal anteroposterior: Grills with bar, sticks with bar, leg press, walking with slope forward, lunges… However, scientific literature points out that the activation of the larger gluteum is maximized with exercises where the load is horizontal. Different studies have shown that the hip push (HIP THRUST) activates up to three times more the gluteum than the satadillas (quadriceps dose). They also claim that the maximum activation of the gluteum occurs with a neutral position of the hip, as it occurs in the Hip Thrust.

    Thus, not only does the hip extension develop in another range of motion, but, in addition to maximizing the activation of the larger gluteum, it also leads to greater hypertrophy (size increase).

    The ideal then, will be to combine both exercises with vertical and horizontal loads to have a complete training program.

    Hip Thrust: The Best Gluteum Exercise
    So, with the above, if I had to say what is the best axis to hinder the strength, strength and muscle development of the gluteum, no doubt the hip thrust. Reading several authors, as well as focusing on the last few months to include this exercise (with different variants) in my strength sessions I can say that Hip Thrust is the best practice of gluteum. And if you are a runner, another reason to work and develop strength and power to transfer it to the technical career gesture.

    But let’s start at the beginning: learn to locate the major gluteum and run a hip extension.


    Those who read me from the beginning, you will be very familiar with the classic PUENTE DE GLÚTEOS, as a key exercise in most of the training routines or between the pre-habilitation exercises that I always include. It’s an exercise that everyone can do. It is a hip extension, avoiding a hyper extension of the lumbar spine.

    The aim of this is to activate the recruitment of muscle fibers of the gluteum and thus strengthen the stability of the middle zone, as well as to work also the spinal erectors.

    An exercise that I usually include as a specific part in warming most sessions, as well as pre-enablement and re-habilitative exercise in knee injuries. In these cases, I add hip abductions (openings) with reitence bands

    This exercise would be the basic option and starting point to learn how to run HIP THRUST. And from there go by introducing different progressions and adding loads to the Hip Thrust as a better gluteal exercise.

    I especially like it, as a logical progression the hip thrust on phyllball. I usually add work with resistance rubbers for hip abduction, also working the medium gluteum.

    HIP THRUST ( Push – hip extension).
    As we have commented above, it is the exercise in which there is a greater activation of the muscle fibers of the larger gluteum. It is dominant of the hip, where it spreads and there is an increase in the range of movement around it. Since the loads on the hips are also significantly increased, then the gluteum must be tightly contracted to keep the hips stable. When the hip is placed in a neutral position, then the gluteum is contracted to the maximum.

    The good thing about this exercise, in addition to its different progressions, is that it can be worked with medium, high, or very high loads; perform it as power work, in which the concentric phase (empuje) is fast.

    How to introduce the Hip Thrust in our training routine?
    The first thing is to learn to perform the technical hip push gesture if a hyper lumbar extension occurs, that is, learning to control the stability of the hip as well as learning to activate the glutes.

    Therefore, my recommendation is to start with GLUS ACTIVATION EXERCISES as part of your warming to the specific training session (either at the gym, race session). These activation exercises are simple, without loads or with very mild loads, and could be included in most sessions).

    Once we learn to activate the glutea muscle well, we would begin to perform or the gluteal bridge lying on the ground with a load on the hips (a disc, a bar).

    The next progression would be to adopt the position of the Hip Thrust exercise and start working with light loads until mastering the execution of the exercise.

    Once you start to introduce high and very heavy loads, it is recommended to make use of a pad to prevent injuries in the pubis and hip area. Otherwise the bar can cause many discomfort.

    How to do Hip Thrust?
    Once we have followed a logical progression of arrogance and loads, let us see how to do it.

    We can start with a bar, and gradually increase the loads in the next few weeks.

    If your gym has a bench with its own reclining backrest for this perfect exercise. Otherwise, we will use a bank to support the upper back.

    Initial position:

    Clicking on the image you can see HOW to execute it

    We started sitting. If we use bar without disks, we let the same roll from our feet to the hips area. Then, we will flex the knees, with the spuntas of elos feet pointing towards the forehead. Heels should not be too close to the glutes.


    ♪ We will push with the hips up, until the trunk is parallel to the ground, with the hips in a neutral position. We will avoid a hyper-extension at all times.
    ♪ To do so, in this concentric phase, put your attention to voluntarily tightening your glutes, keeping the extension for a 2-3 seconds.
    * Push the heels against the ground in the up phase. This will allow you to better locate the job.
    ♪ Also keep, especially at first, the strong abdomen in your bra function
    ♪ The knees must be flexed at about 90 degrees throughout the movement.
    ♪ We will place the upper back against the bank. The bank acts as an anchor point, so we should not slide up or down during the exercise.
    ♪ We will try to keep the neck without tension, head and neck as neutral as possible.

    To start, you would choose to perform 3 series of 8 repetitions with a load with which you could do the least 12 well-executed repetitions. In my case, I am centered in a faster and more explosive climbing phase, although it can be worked at 1/1 pace.

    I assure you that you will notice the benefits of this exercise and understand why the Hip Thrust is the best practice of gluteum.

    At the level of hypertrophy, in my case, that I have introduced the simplest options ( hip thrust on fitball, and gluteum bridge with bar), the result is qualitative. I’ve managed to improve the size of my buttocks and recover their tone and strength.

    Well, now you get to practice and not be afraid to work with loads. If we don’t get loads, the crumb doesn’t grow or get strong. This is it.

    Clicking on the image you will be able to see different axis within my gluteal training routine 🙂

    I also leave a video in which I show you different ways of working the perfect seat and how to perform it correctly.

    What? Would you like to have a complete work routine specific to gluteos? Tell me and I’ll get it.

    I hope that you have been interesting, useful and above all that you put it into practice.Any doubt, do not forget to ask your instructor.

    And now, give those glutes.

    If you want to learn much more, do not stop visiting the channel of David Marchante, Power Explosive, which explains perfectly how to perform and how to effectively train the glutes in men and women.

    And if you want to learn more, I leave you here some articles that I have read to complete the article, one of them also in my book 🙂

    Blazevich, A. (2000). Optimizing hip musculature for greater sprint running speed. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 22(2):22-27. .

    Contreras, B. (2010). I am the Glute Guy and Here are My Secrets. /2010/04/23/glute-secrets/

    Contreras, B. (2010). The Top Five Glute Exercises . CW Training Systems, LLC and Charlie Weingroff .

    Lieberman, D., Raichlen, D., Pontzer, H., Bramble, D., " Cutright-Smith, E. (2006). The Human gluteus maximus and its role in running. Journal of Experimental Biology, 209, .

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