Expert Pool

Expert Pool

The Nordic Snow Expert Pool (NSEP) is a Nordic Region specific network of expert including  observers, forecasters, modelers, hydrologists, meteorologists, physicists, engineers  whose scope of interest is from snow research to snow applications. The main objective of the NSEP is to build a bridge across the snow experts in the Nordic Region for collaborating on snow measurements, snow related research and development and  optimum use and applications of snow. The NSEP also aims at (1) sharing know how, information, activities and practices on snow activities (2) strengthening Nordic collaboration to create strong Nordic expertise.

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Choose area of interest:

Remote sensing


Name: Pertti Ala-aho
Organization: University of Oulu
Title: PhD, Title of Docent
Phone: +358 294 484498
Short bio: I completed my PhD in 2014 at the University of Oulu. I'm currently funded as a Academy of Finland postdoctoral researcher with a project: <<Where does water go when snow melts? New spatio-temporal resolution in stable water isotopes measurements to inform cold climate hydrological modelling>> My research focuses on hydrological processes in the Arctic and other snow-influenced regions using water isotope techniques and hydrological modeling. By merging the water/snow isotope data and numerical modeling I aim to better understand the moisture origin of snowfall and, the role snowmelt in the northern water cycle.
Professional and personal links:
snow water isotopes, hydrological modelling, field measurements, frozen soil
Area of interest:
Name: Kati Anttila
Organization: Finnish Environment Institute
Title: Hydrologist
Phone: +358295251308
Short bio: MPh in geography (geomorphology) in 2009 and PhD in geophysics in 2018, both from the University of Helsinki. I have been working with optical remote sensing of snow and albedo, laser scanning based methods on snow cover, and field measurements of snow surface roughness, albedo and geophysics.
snow physics, albedo, surface roughness, terrestrial snow cover extent, snow-vegetation interactions, Northern Hemisphere terrestrial snow cover, field measurements, optical remote sensing, laser scanning, climate change impact in the Arctic.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Ali Nadir Arslan
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Dr
Phone: +358503203386
Short bio: Dr. Ali Nadir Arslan received the D.Sc. (Tech.) degree from the Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, in 2006. He worked in Nokia Corporation between 1999 and 2009 holding principal scientist title. He is currently a Senior Scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and has been employed since 2009. His research interests are remote sensing methods and applications for cryosphere, microwaves, electromagnetics theory & computational modeling and EMC; Signal & Power Integrity. Dr. Arslan has directed several research projects including European Union and some university collaborations. He has authored over 50 scientific papers and reports and he has 3 patents.
Professional and personal links:
Link: CV
Link: COST Action: HarmoSnow
Link: Webcam Operational Monitoring Tool on Snow
Remote Sensing Methods and Applications for Cryosphere, Electromagnetic theory and modelling, Retrieval algorithms on snow parameters such as snow depth, snow water equivalent and snow wetness and etc.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Federico Bianchi
Organization: University of Helsinki
Title: Associate Professor
Phone: +358403268723
Short bio: Federico Bianchi, born in Bergamo, Italy, in 1984, graduated in chemistry from University of Milan. After working for four years as a Marie Curie student at the CLOUD project in CERN and at the Paul Scherrer Institute, he received his Ph.D. in atmospheric chemistry from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (2014). In 2017, he received the Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists given by the European Geosciences Union. After being awarded with a Starting Grant ERC in 2019, he was appointed as Associate Professor on atmosphere and cryosphere interactions at the University of Helsinki. His research interests are the formation of new particles in several environments, from pristine free troposphere to polluted megacities. Currently, his group is focusing on understanding preindustrial atmosphere and the influence of biogenic highly oxygenated organic molecules on aerosol formation.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Helsinki University
Link: Google Scholar
Link: Group website
Area of interest:
Name: Bin Cheng
Organization: FMI
Title: Dr.
Phone: 0505696532
Short bio: I am a senior scientist in the Polar meteorology and climatology research group, MET. My research interests: snow and ice thermodynamic process modelling; lake snow and ice interaction; surface heat balance; snow and ice mass balance observations in the boreal lakes and Polar Oceans.
Area of interest:
Name: Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova
Organization: Agricultural University of Iceland
Title: Dr.
Short bio: I am researcher and courses leader at the Agricultural University of Iceland and graduated as a joint degree PhD with the University of Iceland, focusing dust aerosol in Iceland and its interaction with the cryosphere in 2014. I am coordinator of the Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (ICEDUST) and took part in several international research projects related to snow and snow/ice impurities. There are over 35 scientific papers I have authored.
Professional and personal links:
Link: CV
Link: Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association
My research is related to the atmosphere-cryosphere interactions, impacts of High Latitude Dust, dark volcanic dust in comparison to Black carbon on snow spectral reflectance, albedo and melt in cooperation with the FMI, Outi Meinander. My research includes both the Arctic (Iceland, Finland) and Antarctic (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula).
Area of interest:
Name: Ekaterina Ezhova
Organization: University of Helsinki
Title: Docent
Short bio: I am a University lecturer in Geophysics at the Institute for Atmosphere and Earth System Research (INAR/Physics). I defended my PhD thesis on dynamics of turbulent jets and plumes in stably stratified environments in 2012. Since then I have been working on various topics related to physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere, ranging from subglacial discharge and frozen ground to aerosol and clouds. I am a responsible teacher for five courses within BSc and MSc programs. Currently I am working with atmosphere-biosphere interactions in Siberia and Arctic community resilience to boreal environmental change.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Link to personal profile
Atmosphere-biosphere-land surface interactions
Area of interest:
Name: Simon Gascoin
Organization: CNRS/CESBIO
Title: Dr
Short bio: I'm a CNRS research scientist affiliated to CESBIO laboratory in Toulouse, France. I'm interested in improving our knowledge of the water resources availability in snow-dominated regions using remote sensing data. I have studied dust deposition on Icelandic ice caps using remote sensing.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Profesionnal webpage
Link: Twitter
Link: Blog
snow remote sensing
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Anders Ginnerup
Organization: Asiaq - Greenland Survey
Title: Climatologist
Short bio: I work as a climatologist at Asiaq – Greenland Survey. My job is to collect and distribute climate data from weather stations throughout the coast of Greenland. We monitor snow by use of sonic rangers, precipitation gauges and snow pits. I am interested in improving the quality of our data through harmonization of snow measurement practices. Other areas of interest are modelling wind redistribution of snow and avalanche hazard.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Asiaq - Greenland Survey
Area of interest:
Name: Andri Gunnarsson
Organization: Landsvirkjun
Title: Manager of hydrological research
Phone: +3548990085
Short bio: Manager of hydrological research at Landsvirkjun. Working on seasonal snow and glaciers. Coupling observations and remote sensing to models to improve forecasting of water resources.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Timo Hampinen
Organization: North Ostrobothnia ELY-centre
Title: Water resources specialist
Phone: +358 50 396 3006
Short bio: I have been working with various hydrological in-situ measurements. Snow plays a key role in my work. I'm passionate about developing hydrological monitoring and ecological operation & management of water resources. Environmental engineer with interdiciplinary studies. Starting doctoral studies: new measurement methods in water resource monitoring.
field measurements, climate change impact in the boreal region, snowmelt, in-situ measurements of spatial and temporal variations
Area of interest:
Name: Henna-Reetta Hannula
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Researcher (Msc)
Phone: +358406707112
Short bio: I'm a D.Sc. student in Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences in the University of Helsinki. In 2012-2016 I worked in the Arctic Space Centre of Finnish Meteorological Institute in Sodankylä, cumulating experience on all the snow related observations as well campaign and measurement coordination. From 2017 I have continued my work in FMI in Helsinki as part of the Cryospheric Processes group. In my research I'm interested in in-situ snow spectral reflectivity/albedo and how it is changing in space, time and scale. Furthermore, I'm interested how these observations can serve as a reference and relate to the satellite-based observations.
field measurements, snow reflectance/albedo, seasonal snow, optical remote sensing, terrestrial snow cover extent, drone-based measurements
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Natalia Ianchenko
Organization: Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Title: Professor
Phone: +79501018946
Short bio: 1978, Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Chemistry, specialty "Chemist". 2012, Specialty of PhD and place of defense: "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, ferrous and rare metals", Irkutsk. 2020, Specialty of the doctoral dissertation (Doctor Sciences) and place of defense: "Ecology", Moscow. At different time, I worked in a research institute and at universities in different cities. I have worked as an engineer, young researcher, professor, leading scientific researcher. Currently, we have organized conferences, I am the Scientific editor of collections of materials of scientific conferences 2017, 2018, 2020. General list of scientific papers (2014-2020): 59 titles in total. Additional email:
Professional and personal links:
Study of the chemical composition of the snow cover and individual snow precipitation. Assessment of atmospheric quality based on chemical analysis of snow. Research are interdisciplinary. The team of authors carries out various research. Authors from different universities and cities. Authors from universities and institutes. The results are published.
Area of interest:
Name: Marko Kaasik
Organization: University of Tartu, Institute of Physics
Title: Dr.
Phone: +372 5206174
Short bio: Graduated from University of Tartu (1989) as a physicist, defended Master degree in 1995 and Ph.D. degree in 2000 as an environmental physicist in University of Tartu. Working since early 1990´s on atmospheric chemistry and transport modelling. Senior researcher of air pollution modelling in Institute of Physics, University of Tartu since 2007. Since 1990´s performing in situ research on deposition of pollutants in snow cover, with main aim to validate the atmospheric chemistry and transport models, focusing in particular on the industrial emissions from the oil shale mining and processing industrial complex in North-Eastern Estonia.
Atmospheric chemistry-transport modelling, in-situ snow sampling for chemical composition analysis, application of atmospheric pollution models in environmental impact assessment.
Area of interest:
Name: Anna Kontu
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Sodankylä Research Infrastructure PI
Phone: +358400126446
Short bio: Anna Kontu received the M.Sc.(Tech.) degree from Helsinki University of Technology (currently part of Aalto University), Espoo, Finland, in 2006, and the D.Sc.(Tech.) degree from Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, in 2018. She currently works as Sodankylä Research Infrastructure PI with the Finnish Meteorological Institute's Arctic Space Centre in Sodankylä, Finland. Her research activities focus on microwave remote sensing of seasonal terrestrial snow and soil frost.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Publons
Passive microwave remote sensing of terrestrial cryosphere, especially seasonal snow on ground, soil frost, boreal forests. Interaction of microwaves with snow structure.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Kirsty Langley
Organization: Asiaq - Greeland Survey
Title: Dr
Short bio: I am a researcher working at Asiaq – Greenland Survey. I work with the climate, hydrology and glaciology components of the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring programme, which has long term comprehensive monitoring at three key sites in coastal Greenland. Snow is an important variable within ecosystems, impacting both the biotic and the abiotic systems, and also constitutes a valuable water resource. I am interested in the spatial and temporal distribution of snow and its properties and how to most effectively monitor these.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring
Link: Asiaq - Greenland Survey
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Leena Leppänen
Organization: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland & Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Dr
Short bio: I have been working as researcher at the Arctic Space Centre of Finnish Meteorological Institute in Sodankyla since 2012. In January 2020, I completed my PhD in the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) at University of Helsinki in geophysics. Since January 2021, I have had a postdoc position at the Arctic Centre in Rovaniemi in CHARTER project. My current research is related to snow properties, microstructure and citizen science snow observations. My work includes also field measurements in Finland and in Antarctica.
Professional and personal links:
Link: CV
Link: Twitter
snow physics, snow microstructure, manual snow measurements, optical remote sensing, microwave remote sensing
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Yijing Liu
Organization: University of Copenhagen
Title: Ph.D. student
Phone: +4581944825
Short bio: M.S. at Lanzhou University 2020 in Geographic Information Science (GIS). Ph.D. student at the geosciences and nature management department, Copenhagen University from 2020.
I am focusing on snow cover and the relationship between it and ecosystems in Greenland. Specifically, I analyzed the snow insulation effect based on some snow fence experiments in the field. And I am trying to use a simple snowmodel to simulate snow evolution across Greenland ice-free area on a long time series.
Area of interest:
Name: Eirik Malnes
Organization: NORCE
Title: Senior scientist
Phone: +47 91758213
Short bio: Dr Eirik Malnes is a Senior Scientist at NORCE– Earth Observation Group. He has a degree from the University of Tromsø in space plasma physics. From 1997 to 2001 he was a senior scientist at The Norwegian Defense Research Establishment working with active and passive radar applications. From 2001 he has been employed at Norut as a senior scientist. His field of interest is various applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), including modeling of scattering mechanisms and statistical signal processing in connection with earth observation of the cryosphere, with particular emphasis on snow parameter retrieval.
Also interested in comparing models and remote sensing.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Hannu Marttila
Organization: University of Oulu, Water Energy and Environmental Engineering
Title: Assistant Professor (Tenure)
Phone: +358 294 48 4393
Short bio: Assistant Professor, holding tenure position and leading Northern Hydrology research group at Water, Energy and Environmental Research Unit in UOulu. Marttila's research focuses on hydrological processes and catchment management issues in northern landscapes with strong cross-disciplinary work across science fields. He have broad experience from various environmental engineering fields focusing on nordic catchment hydrology and management, stable water isotopes, peatlands, land use and water quality issues, water protection issues and ecological connections. Marttila has been participating and managed several Academy of Finland, EU and foundation based projects. He is a chairman in Hydrology division at Finnish Water Association and hydrology subject editor for Boreal Environmental Research -journal.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Profile
Link: Blog
Link: Blog
Northern hydrology, in-situ measurements, modelling, isotopes
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Outi Meinander
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Dr
Phone: +358505698900
Short bio: My PhD Thesis "Effects of black carbon and Icelandic dust on snow albedo, melt and density" consisted of in situ and RT modeling approaches, discussing also some remote sensing relevant questions. I completed my PhD in Environmental Sciences in 2016 at the University of Helsinki, Finland, as a Fellow of the Nordic Center of Excellence Top Research Initiative, NCoE TRI CRAICC (Cryosphere-atmosphere interactions in a changing Arctic climate), also part of the Finnish Center of Excellence FCoE ATM (The Centre of Excellence in Atmospheric Science) and the ATM-DP (Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences). I have also a degree of Met-PD in meteorology (Professional development in meteorology) with the thesis "On measurements and modeling of ultraviolet radiation with focus on the Antarctic" (, University of Helsinki. I aim to understand and quantify some of the interactions related to the ice-albedo feedback.
My current research is related to the atmosphere-cryosphere interactions, especially to climatically relevant effects of black carbon, organic carbon, total carbon and dust on snow spectral reflectance and albedo (UV, VIS, NIR) and melt. My research includes both the Arctic (especially Finland and Iceland) and Antarctic (Marambio).
Area of interest:
Name: Kristian Pagh Nielsen
Organization: DMI
Title: Dr. scient.
Phone: +45-39157403
Short bio: I have worked with spectral imaging and radiative transfer theory for more than 20 years. Since 2008 I have worked at DMI with weather model physics and energy meteorology. The main focus is radiative heating rates, but I also work with surface physics and model validation.
Professional and personal links:
Link: DMI research home page
Link: SW down error distribution over the Greenland Ice Sheet for 2012-07
Link: LW down error distribution over the Greenland Ice Sheet for 2017-01
I am primarily interested in improving the atmosphere-surface coupling in atmospheric models. For snow surfaces this includes the spectral reflectance, emissivity, and the roughness lengths for momentum and heat. Indirectly these depend on several basic snow variables.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Bolli Pálmason
Organization: Icelandic Met Office
Phone: +354 522 6000
Short bio: Work at Icelandic Met Office since 2001. From 2011 mainly been working on NWP with HARMONIE-AROME model and focus been on improving physiography in the model and snow processes. Participated in the Copernicus C3S CARRA reanalysis project. Worked in cooperation between IMO and DMI on joint Iceland Greenland NWP domain and recently in the new United Weather Centres - West (UWC-W) cooperation on operational NWP between IMO, DMI, KNMI and Met Eirann. Operate hectometric (750m horizontal resolution) HARMONIE-AROME NWP domain over Iceland.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Finnur Pálsson
Organization: Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
Title: Project manager in glaciology
Phone: +354 6592383
Short bio: Nationality Icelandic Education C.S. in Electronic Engineering, University of Iceland, 1980 Position Project leader in glaciology Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Address Sturlugata 7, IS-101 Reykjavík, Iceland Contact info. Telephone: +354-525-4936; e-mail: Professional career Year Organization Position and responsibilities 9.1980 - 5.1982 University of Iceland, Teaching assistant, 9.1982 – present University of Iceland, present Instructor 9.1980 - 5. 1984 Engineering Institute, University of Iceland Engineer at the Signal processing and information theory laboratory 6.1984 - 7.2004 Department of Geophysics, Science Institute Engineer University of Iceland, 7.2004 Institute of Earth Sciences University of Iceland Engineer Glaciology Group 01.2013 Institute of Earth Sciences University of Iceland Project leader in Glaciology Glaciology Group
Area of interest:
Name: Jouni Peltoniemi
Organization: Finnish Geospatial research Institute FGI
Title: Research gropu manager
Short bio: PhD at the University of Helsinki 1993 in theoretical physics. Planetary research 1988-1993. Astrophysics in Jena, 1993-1995. Remote sensing at FGI 1995-2003, mostly radiative transfer and field measurements. Snow, soil, forests, goniometry, drones. Planetary system research at University of Helsinki 2003-2006. Space geodesy at FGI 2006- With some space debris and snow spectroscopy projects, abusing same model and instruments for both.
Snow spectroscopy. Modelling and measuring the radiation in and from snow. Polarisation. BRF. Main job in space geodesy.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Dorthe Petersen
Organization: Asiaq - Greenland Survey
Title: Hydrologist
Short bio: I am a hydrologist working at Asiaq – Greenland Survey. I work with monitoring and assessment of water resources in Greenland. The spatial and temporal variability in the amount of available water is crucial for hydro power as well as water supply projects. In Greenland snow plays an important role in this context, and I am therefore interested in the spatial and temporal distribution of snow and how to most effectively monitor and model this.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Asiaq - Greenland Survey
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Sirpa Rasmus
Organization: University of Lapland, Arctic Centre
Title: Senior researcher
Short bio: I have my background in climate change impact studies and geophysics of snow and ice. Nowadays my approach is interdisciplinary, and I am interested in the interactions between the abiotic and biotic nature, seasonal weather, and impacts of snow and weather on human activities. Collecting and using practitioner knowledge on snow and weather is among my interests. Presently I study the changing environment of Scandinavian reindeer herding, snow conditions being an important factor.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Personal homepage
Link: My University of Lapland homepage
Link: My ResearchGate page
Snow straticraphy, ice layers in the snow cover, observing ice layers in the snow cover, simulating ice layers in the snow cover, climate change impacts on snow, snow-vegetation interaction, practitioner knowledge on snow, impacts of snow conditions on reindeer herding, seasonal weather
Area of interest:
Name: Laura Rontu
Organization: FMI
Title: Dr
Short bio: Graduated from University of Helsinki 1980, post-graduate studies in Moscow university 1981-1983, PhD in 2007 and Adjunct professor (dosent) in 2016, University of Helsinki. Working with numerical weather prediction in Finnish Meteorological Inistute since 1990 in the area of physical parametrizations.
Use of snow observations and snow-related parametrizations in Numerical Weather Prediction
Area of interest:
Name: Patrick Samuelsson
Organization: SMHI
Title: Dr
Phone: +46114958614
Short bio: Took my PhD in meteorology at Uppsala University, Sweden, 1999. Have been working mainly with modelling of land-surface processes since then. A couple of years at Stockholm University and since 2001 at SMHI. At Rossby Centre I was part of the team developing Regional Climate Models, RCA and HARMONIE-Climate. Since 2015 I'm part of the NWP development team and in close collaboration with European HIRLAM and ACCORD partners.
NWP model development with focus on atmosphere-vegetation-snow-soil processes and surface data assimilation.
Area of interest:
Name: Elena Shevnina
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Dr
Short bio: I have experience on hydrology of Polar and High mountain regions for more then 20 years. I have been worked for the Arctic and Antarctic research institute (Russia) for more 10 year, and then I join the polar meteorology and climatology group of FMI in 2014. My main subject is physically-based and probabilistic hydrological modelling with focus on statistical applications in engineering hydrology. My working experience also includes a participation to 8 field campaigns in Svalbard, Central Asia and Antarctica.
Professional and personal links:
Link: Polar group, FMI
Link: Researchgate
numerical modeling, polar hydrology, statistical analysis, floods and droughts, climate change, water regulation, field measurements
Area of interest:
Name: Niilo Siljamo
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Researcher
Short bio: Graduated from University of Helsinki 1995. PhD in 2020 from University of Helsinki. I have been developing satellite snow extent products since 2005 at first in LSA SAF and later in H SAF.
Satellite snow detection based on optical instruments.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Daria Stepanova
Organization: FMI
Title: developer
Short bio: I am working in the project as a web-developer. If you have any problems or questions concerning the web-site, please, contact me.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: Monica Sund
Organization: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Title: Dr
Phone: +4748892940
Short bio: Cand.scient (eq. MSc) in 1999 and PhD in 2011, both in glaciology at University Centre in Svalbard/University of Oslo. Extensive field experience with snow and glacier measurements from Svalbard, Antarctica and Norway. Have been working on various topics related to snow, ice and water, ranging from surging glaciers and water discharge to frozen ground and remote sensing. Currently working with the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate as project leader for the Early warning of slushflows, to improve the Norwegian regional early warning of slushflows as one of the natural hazards we issued early warnings for.
Area of interest:
remote sensing
Name: María Svavarsdóttir
Organization: Agricultural University of Iceland
Title: Project manager
Phone: +3548469406
Short bio: A physical geographer with various experience in nature. Master studies on influence of organic matter on soil development in different ecosystems. Various experience such as; weather observation, snow research, snow depth, snow density etc.
Snow and glacier research, dust, soils, ecosystems, eolian matter
Area of interest:
Name: Cemal Melih Tanis
Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Title: Researcher (Msc)
Phone: +358505058547
Short bio: Cemal Melih Tanış is working as a researcher in the group of Satellite Services and Research of Arctic Space Centre of Finnish Meteorological Institute. He recently completed his master’s programme at Aalto University and before that he has completed his degree in electronics engineering at Istanbul Technical University. He has a scientific and engineering background in electronics, nanotechnology and space technology. He has over 7 years of professional experience in remote sensing of snow and vegetation, research, product development, maintenance and validation, software development, web development, user uptake and networking activities, in different national and international projects and actions. He is interested in innovative solutions and futuristic concepts not only in his own expertise but in every field of science and every part of life.
Professional and personal links:
Link: LinkedIn Profile
Link: Researchgate Profile
Webcam image data, spaceborne very high resolution SAR
Area of interest:
remote sensing